Thursday, May 15, 2014


The Lord, holiness, and St. Isidore the Farmer

“Holiness is not perfection according to human criteria; it is not reserved for a small number of exceptional persons.  It is for everyone; it is the Lord who brings us to holiness, when we are willing to collaborate in the salvation of the world for the glory of God, despite our sin and our sometimes rebellious temperament.” 

What do these words by Pope John Paul II have to say to those who struggle with depression?

First, it states a terrific reality.  “Everyone” includes those who struggle with depression!  After all, one in four women, one in eight men, one in eight teenagers, and one in thirty-two children will experience depression at some point.  That’s a lot of people!

Second, since holiness is not “perfection according to human criteria,” we don’t have to achieve a perfectly depression-free life in order to be holy.  We don’t have to go through life with browbeating, sweat-evoking, grit-teethed endurance or effort.  The Lord is Savior, not us.  We simply need to keep an honest relationship with Him, practice the faith as best as possible, and try to do what’s right for our circumstances, which oftentimes includes addressing depression.  The Lord does the rest of the work!  Hey, I’m not making this up.  Go back and read the quote!

People who tend towards depression spend too much time making themselves doubly suffer by expecting too much of themselves. It’s much easier to assume we will fail — repeatedly — and relax about it.  Confess of course but relax about it.

Today is the feast of St. Isidore the farmer.  He and his wife, St. Maria de la Cabeza had one child who died in youth. They spent their entire lives tending the fields of a wealthy landowner.  Having lived in the eleventh century there are lots of legends about them but in essence God made them holy through their regular unremarkable lives—just like mine, and most of yours too.  This can be very encouraging if we allow ourselves to be encouraged. 

St. Isidore the Labourer, pray for us!

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